Alwar Almkvisth (1950-)

Mörkret skall förgå (9 bibliska sånger) [approx. The darkness shall pass (9 Biblical songs)]


Bara hos Gud finner jag ro [approx. Only with God do I find peace]
Herre jag är helt i din hand [approx. Lord, I am totally in your hand]
I soluppgången [At sunrise]
Jag lyfter mina ögon till bergen [I will lift up mine eyes unto the hills]
Moses och Lammets sång [Song of Moses and the Lamb]
Mörkret skall förgå [approx. The darkness shall pass]
O happy day
Tjänandets väg [approx. The path of service]

  • Year of composition: 2012-2018
  • Work category: Voice and piano
  • Text author: Ylva Eggehorn, Josef Högstedt, Bo Setterlind, Alwar Almkvisth, The Holy Bible
  • Duration: Approx. 15-20 min
  • Detailed duration: Duration of each song, respectively: ca. 2,5 minute

Solo voices/choir

Solo songs with piano accompaniment

Examples of printed editions

Svensk Musik

Description of work

Solo songs with lyrics related to the Bible

Work comment

The collection includes nine solo songs composed in different years and with lyrics by different authors. All lyrics relate in various ways to the Bible. The music is composed in accordance with Swedish Lied tradition.