Ivar Hallström (1826−1901)
Den Bergtagna. Romantisk Opera i Fem Akter [Den Bergtagna. Romantic Opera in Five Acts] / Bergkönigs Braut

- Year of composition: According to score of Act I (autograph): 'Stockholm on 8 May 1871', but according to Gademan, Hallström revised the material several times before the premiere in 1874 (p. 7).
- Work category: Opera
- Text author: Frans Hedberg (1828-1908) [translation to German by Eugène Peschier]
- Dedication: Humbly dedicated to His Majesty the King Oscar II of Sweden (according to the score of Act I [autograph])
- First performed: According to the piano reduction: The Royal Theatre in Stockholm on 20 May, 1874. Performers: Mrs. Strandberg (Mistress Ragnhild), Miss Riego (Ingeborg), Mr. Ödman (Riddar Tuve [Tuve, Knight]), Mr. Willman (Abbot Henrik [Henrik, Abbot]), Mr. Sandström (Ulf), Miss Söhrling (Gerda), Mr. Arnoldsson (Bergakungen [The Mountain King]), Miss Saxenberg (Bergadrottningen [The Mountain Queen]), Mr. Ahlberg (Kark) et al.
According to the score: Mistress Ragnhild: Mrs. Ch. Strandberg, Mrs. W. Strandberg, Miss Almati; Ingeborg, hennes dotter [her daughter]: Miss Riego, Miss Grabow, Miss Klemming, Mrs. Brag, Mrs. Lindberg; Riddar Tuve [Tuve, Knight]: Mr. Ödmann, Mr. Henrikson, Mr. Bratbost, Mr. Servor; Ulf, gammal tjenare [old servant]: Mr. Sandström, Mr. Håkanson, Mr. Lundqvist; Gerda, tärna [maid]: Miss Carlson, Miss Söhrling, Miss Sjöblom; Bergakungen [The Mountain King]: Mr. Arnoldson, Mr. Ödmann, Mr. Max Strandberg, Mr. Lemon; Bergadrottningen [The Mountain Queen]: Miss Saxenberg, Miss Ås, Miss A. Janson, Miss Z. Welander, Miss Almati, Mrs. Linden; Kark: Mr. Arlberg, Mr. Janzon, Mr. Ohlson, Mr. Malmsjö, Mr. Söderman; Riddare. Jungfrur. Väpnare. Tärnor. Bondfolk. Dvergar. Bergatroll. [Knights. Maidens. Squires. Maids. Peasants. Dwarfs. Mountain Trolls.]
Performers according to Ralf, Klas: "Kungliga teatern. Repertoar 1773-1973" [The Royal Theatre. Repertoire 1773-1973] (1974): C. Strandberg, née Linderoth (Ragnhild), A. Riego (Ingeborg), A. Ödmann (Tuve), A. Willman (Henrik), G. Sandström (Ulf), O. Arnoldson (Bergakungen [The Mountain King]), C. Saxenberg (Bergadrottningen [The Mountain Queen]), F. Arlberg (Kark) - Duration: More than 180 min
- Detailed duration: Originally four hous, but later reduced (according to Gademan, pp. 16-17); 121'30 according to the Sterling's CD edition
2*.2.2.2 / 4.2*.3*.1 / timp, perc, hp / str
(picc, corn, bass tbn)
perc: bass dr, cymb, trgl, tub bells
Solo voices/choir
Fru Ragnhild [Mistress Ragnhild] (alto)
Ingeborg, hennes dotter [Ingeborg, her daughter] (soprano)
Riddar Tuve [Tuve, Knight] (tenor)
Abbot Henrik [Henrik, Abbot] (bass)
Ulf, gammal tjänare [Ulf, old servant] (bass)
Gerda, tärna [Gerda, maid] (soprano)
Bergakungen [The Mountain King] (tenor)
Bergadrottningen [The Mountain Queen] (alto)
Kark (bass)
Riddare, Jungfrur, Väpnare, Tärnor, Bondfolk, Dvergar, Bergatroll [Knights, Maidens, Squires, Maids, Peasants, Dwarfs, Mountain Trolls]
2 sopranos (Ingeborg, Gerda), 2 altos (Ragnhild, Bergadrottningen [The Mountain Queen]), 2 tenors (Tuve, Bergakungen [The Mountain King]), 3 basses (Henrik, Ulf, Kark)
Choir: S.A.A, T.T.B.B., S.A.T.T.B.B. [parts: S.A.A.T.T.B.B.]
Examples of printed editions
Piano reduction (with text in Swedish and German) published by Abr. Lundquist, Abr. L. 1476
Location for score and part material
Score, orchestral parts, choral and solo parts in the collections of Musik- och teaterbiblioteket
- Location autograph: Musik- och teaterbiblioteket
Gademan, Göran: "Den Bergtagna 1874-1987", C1-uppsats i teatervetenskap, Stockholms universitet, Institutionen för Teater- och filmvetenskap, vt 87 [bachelor's thesis/C1 paper in theatre studies, Stockholm University, the Department for Theatre and Film studies, spring 1987]
Description of work
The action takes place in early Christian era, near the Krokek monastery (Franciscan) in Kolmården (an area between the Swedish provinces of Södermanland and Östergötland).
Act I
The banquet hall at Mistress Ragnhild’s estate. Mistress Ragnhild, Tuve (A Knight), Ingeborg, Henrik (The Abbot). Knights and maidens. Ulf, Gerda, An Esquire.
Prelude: Maestoso C minor 4/4 (C)
Scene 1: The Guests form two lines for a get ready for a festive dance.
The choir sings during the dance. Ingeborg enters the ring of dancers. Mistress Ragnhild, Ingeborg, Tuve, Henrik (The Abbot), Gerda, Ulf, Knights and Maidens
Scene 2: Ingeborg, Tuve, Ulf, Knights and Maidens
Scene 3: The above, Mistress Ragnhild
Scen 4: The Mountain King, dressed as a skald [poet] enters, with a harp of gold. Mistress Ragnhild gives a beaker filled with mead to Ingeborg, who touches the rim with her lips and passes it to the Mountain King. When he starts to play, all take each other’s hands and begin to dance. The above, The Mountain King
Scen 5: The Mountain King approaches Ingeborg, opens his mantle and shows his ornate costume. He wants to take her with him. Ingeborg, The Mountain King
Scen 6: Kark enters hastily from the backdrop with the harp on his arm. The Mountain King begins to play, but stops as Mistress Ragnhild holds up a crucifix in front of him. The above, Kark, then Mistress Ragnhild, Tuve, Gerda, Ulf and all the Guests
Act II
A forest and mountain area in Kolmården, near Krokek monastery. The Mountain King sits on a stone, with the harp his arms. Moonlight.
Scene 1: Bell ringing from the church is hear at a distance. The Mountain King retreats to the mountain. The Mountain King.
Scene 2: The Mountain King disappears into the moutain. Mistress Ragnhild, Ingeborg, Tuve, Ulf and servants with torches. The Mountain King, The Churchgoers
Scene 3: The choir is heard from a distance. Ingegerd, who has felt herself irresistible drawn towards the mountain, is forced by her mother to follow her. Mistress Ragnhild, Ingeborg, Tuve, Ulf
Scene 4: The Mountain King appears from the mountain, which opens, displaying golden pillars and brilliant crystals at the entrance to the mountain hall. Trolls (a.o.) bring forth jewellery and gold rods. Ingeborg enters the stage, but stops when she notices the splendour. The Mountain King, then Mountain Trolls
Scene 5: The Mountain King has brought Ingeborg towards the mountain with mild force. The Trolls dance, surrounding them and showing her their treasures. After the Mountain King and Ingeborg have entered the mountain, the chuch becomes visible. Mistress Ragnhild, Tuve and Ulf enter, followed by servants with torches while the curtain falls. The above, Ingeborg
A grotto in the mountain. The Mountain King sits on a throne and on another is the Mountain Queen, with a crown of quartz stones. There is also a hearth.
Scene 1: The dwarfs fan the flames. The Mountain Queen, Dwarfs
Scene 2: In anger, The Mountain Queen takes a brooch and throws it into the pot hanging above the fire. Two of the Dwarfs rush out and return with a cup, which The Mountain Queen fills with potion from the pot while uttering a spell. The above, Kark
Scene 3: The scenery changes. The mountain hall, adorned with gold and crystals. A myriad of dwarfs, other supernational beings, spirits, maids and esquires. The Mountain King enters and after him, Ingeborg. Dwarfs, Maids, Esquires, Gnomes
Scene 4: Ingeborg and The Mountain King are alone. Ingeborg breaks away from his embrace, rushes towards the backdrop, where she encounters Kark and The Mountain Queen holding the cup, stretched out towards her. The Mountain King, Ingeborg, The above
Scene 5: Having drunk from the cup Ingeborg’s eyes glow and she throws herself into the arms of the Mountain King. He leads her to the throne and sits down by her side. The above, The Mountain Queen, Kark
Ballet: Allegretto grazioso G major 6/8 (alternating tempi, keys and time signatures)
Entrance of the Mountain Spirits [instrumental]: Allegro non troppo a la marcia C minor 2/4
Act IV
A small room in the mountain. Pensative, Ingeborg sits spinning flax on a golden spindle.
Scene 1: Ingeborg wakes up, as from a dream. She anxiously looks around her. Ingeborg
Scene 2: Kark encounters The Mountain Queen and shows Ingeborg. Ingeborg, Kark, (The Mountain Queen)
Scene 3: On The Mountain Queen making a gesture towards the rock wall, a clear water begins to flow. Ingeborg takes a few drops in her hand and wets her forehead and lips. Gradually waking up from her spell even more, she falls to her knees and makes the sign of the cross. She wants to rush out, but encouters The Mountain King, who takes her hand to stop her. Almost powerless, Ingeborg falls into his arms. Ingeborg, The Mountain Queen, (The Mountain King)
Scene 4: Triumphant, The Mountain Queen leaves. The above, The Mountain King
Scene 5: The Mountain King wants to embrace Ingeborg, who pushes him away. She then hestitates, throws herself into his arms, pushes him away and rushes out. He wants to follow after her, but stops as the curtain falls. Ingeborg, The Mountain King
Act V
Mistress Ragnhild’s hall from Act I, but now old and dilapidated. Ulf, almost 100 years old, sits at a table, making an arrow.
Scene 1: Ulf sings as he works. As he pauses, the orchestra sound like a storm approaching. Ingeborg enters. Ulf, (Ingeborg)
Scene 2: Ulf is asleep. He wakes up, notices Ingeborg, makes the sign of the cross and takes her into his arms, and lets her know that her mother is dead. Ingeborg screams. Ulf, Ingeborg
Scene 3: The Mountain King is present in the hall, approaching Ingeborg, who is on her knees. As he leans down to her, distant bell ringing can be heard. The Mountain King yells of rage and hurt, and sinks down. Moonlight falls on Ingeborg and Ulf, also kneeling. Ulf, the above, The Mountain King
Scene 4: From a distance, the song from Act II can be heard. Ingeborg sighs. She dies. The curtain slowly falls as Ulf prays over her. Ingeborg, Ulf
For the complete storyline (in Swedish), see the Swedish page of the same work.
Work comment
In the collections of the Musik- och teaterbiblioteket, there is one autograph and two, old, handwritten sets of the orchestral parts (one of which most likely also is in Hallström's hand), but according to Gademan, there is no complete score which corresponds with any complete parts material (p. 28; cf also p. 17).
According to a programme leaflet from the Göteborgs Arbetareinstitut [approx. The Gothenburg Workers' Institute], which can be found among the orchestra material, parts of this opera were performed by the Opera [probably referring to the Stora Teatern, Gothenburg] at the 719th Folk-Konserten [approx. Public Concert] on 17 January, 1926 in the auditorium of the KFUM [Y.M.C.A.], Gothenburg. Performers: Nina Moberger (Mistress Ragnhild, The Mountain Queen), Eva Lewerth (Ingeborg), Gustaf Palm (Tuve), Tage Haglund (Ulf, Kark), Elsa Rosenkvist (Gerda), Sten Hermelin (The Mountain King). Stenhammarskören (Blandad kör) [The Stenhammar Choir (a mixed choir)]. Conductor: Elsa Stenhammar
[Elsa and Wilhelm Stenhammar were first cousins.]
Act I
1. Introduction [choir, Ragnhild, Gerda]: Till gästabuds vi dricka, vi dricka i juleqväll / Die vollen Becher winken zur Weichnachtsfeier, seht
2. Chör med Vexelsång och Dans [Chorus with alternating vocals and Dance] (Ingeborg, Tuve): Så dansa vi nu med lusteligt sinn / So tanzen wir denn mit lustigen Reih'n
3. Kupletter med Chör (Abbot Henrik) [Cuplés with Chorus (Henrik, The Abbot)]: När juleottans klockor ringa och kyrkans helga sånger klinga / Sobald die Weihnachtsglock' wir schwingen, der Kirche fromme Lieder klingen
Här bor i bergets djupa salar ett troll / So haust im Bergesgrund, im düstern, ein Alf
Men Herren och hans helgonaskara sin kyrka veta skall att bevara / Doch Gott und seine heiligen Schaaren Sie mögen ihre Kirche bewahren
4. Ballad (Ulf): Det var sent om en timma, sista skärthorsdagsqväll / Siwar in später Stunde, am grünen Donnerstag
5. Scen och Romans (Bergakungen) [Scene and Romance (The Mountain King)]: Jag helsar eder alla! Välkommen, ädle gäst! / Ich grüss' Euch herzlich Alle! Willkommen, edler Gast!
Lundar i söder nog jag såg / Herrliche Lauben im Süden ich sah
6. Trollpolska (Bergakungen, Kark, Chör) [approx. The Trolls' polska (The Mountain King, Kark, Chorus)]: Necken sin harpa slår, dansen i skogen går / Neck nun die Harfe schlägt, Tanz sich im Walde regt
7. Duo (Ingeborg, Bergakungen) [Duet (Ingeborg, The Mountain King]: Må jag nu den fagra fånga / Jetzt soll meine Macht sie spüren
8. Final (Kark, Bergakungen, Gerda, Ragnhild, Tuve, Ulf) [Finale (Kark, The Mountain King, Gerda, Ragnhild, Tuve, Ulf)]: Herre Konung! En sträng på harpan sprang / Mein Gebieter! Die Harfensaite sprang
Hvar är den djerfe, som spel med oss drifver? / Wo ist der Dreiste, der so uns will necken?
Guds moder med sin englaskara / Muttergottes mit den Engelschaaren
Act II
9. Scen och Aria (Bergakungen) [Scene and Aria (The Mountain King)]]: Hur fager hon var! Hur skön hennes bild i hjertat flammar! / Wie lieblich sie war! Bei ihrem Blick durchbebt mich süsser Schauer!
Recitativ [Recitative]: Fast jag föraktar menskors ätter / Ob ich das Menschenvolk verschmähe
Aria: Ja, hon skall blifva min, hennes mund vill jag kyssa / Sie muss mein eigen sein, an maine Brust sich schmiegen
10. Scen och Chör [Scene and Chorus]: Nu nalkas stunden - Deras klockor ringa / Die Stunde nahet - Ihre Glocken tönen
Nu är den signade juledag utöfver jorden kommen! / Der heit'ge Weihnachtsmorgen naht auf Erden allen Frommen!
Och stjernan stod öfver Bethlehem, när Frälsaren var kommen / In Bethlehem der Hirten Schaar erglänzt ein Stern der Frommen
11. Cavatina, Scen och Chör (Bergakungen, Dvergar och Troll) [Cavatina, Scene, and Chorus (The Mountain King, Dwarfs and Trolls]: Hon går - Och modrens makt jag ej bryta kan / Sie geht - Der Mutter Macht ich nicht brechen kann
I bergets andar, skynden hit! Eder konung befaller! / Ihr Geister des Berge, eilet hieher! Euren König hört rufen!
Vår konung befaller! Fort, upp utur natten från glindrande skatten / Der König hört rufen! Fort vom dunklen Orte dem schimmern, der Horte
12. Duo och Final (Ingeborg, Bergakungen, Chor) [Duet and Finale (Ingeborg, The Mountain King, Choir)]: Guds heliga moder! Hvad glans, hvad prakt! / O Muttergottes! Der Glanz! Die Pracht!
Guldet flammar i bergets kammar / Schätze funkeln hell im Dunkeln
13. Chör och Aria (Chor af Dvergar, Bergadrottningen) [Chorus and Aria (Choir of Dwarfs, The Mountain Queen)]: Sjud utöfver bergets låga, glömskans dryck i kittel röd / Siede ob dem Geuerbrande, Zaubertrank im Kessel roth
Recitativ: Och dock älskar jag ömt denne son, som mig glömt! / Doch so theuer mir ist dieser Sohn, der mein vergisst
Chör: Sjud utöfver bergets låga / Siede ob dem Feuerbrande
Aria: Jag bära skall gullkronan röd, fast ensam, öfvergifven! / Die Krone immer noch ich trag', aug einsam und verlassen!
14. Scen och Duo (Bergadrottningen, Kark) [Scene and Duet (The Mountain Queen, Kark)]: Mig kungen sändt att fråga om glömskans dryck snart färdig är? / Der König lässt Euch fragen, ob fertig bald der Zaubertrank?
"Drottning fagra!" Ha! Om du drottning är vorden / "Schöne Fürstin!" Ha! sollst du Königin werden
15. Chör [Chorus]: Hui, ho! Skönt är i berget att bo! / Hiu, ho! Im Berge da leben wir froh!
16. Duo (Ingeborg, Bergakungen) [Duet (Ingeborg, The Mountain King)]: Kom, sätt dig ned å kungastol; här ser du bergets höga sal! / Komm, setz' dich hier auf den Ehrenplatz, und schau' die Hall', den köstlichen Schatz!
17. Qvartett och Chör (Ingeborg, Bergadrottningen, Bergakungen, Kark) [Quartet and Chorus (Ingeborg, The Mountain Queen, The Mountain King, Kark)]: Välkommen till berget, du kungsalens ära! / Willkommen im Berge bei sprühenden Feuern!
Skall hon förglömma orons brus? Skall hon väl tömma bägarens rus? / Wird er verzehren in ihrer Brust alles Begehren, der Sehnsucht Lust?
18. Final (Chör och Ballett [Finale (Chorus and Ballet)]: Kom nu, o kom till fröjder utan tal / O komm' nun, o komm' zu Freuden ohne Zahl
Glädtiga sångers muntra ljud prise Bergakungens brud! / Fröhliche Lieder, wonniger Laut preisse die hohe Königsbraut!
Act IV
19. Aria (Ingeborg): Spinn, spinn, gyllne sländan min / Spinn' fein, goldne Spindel main
20. Scen och Kupletter (Kark) [Scene and Cuplés (Kark)]: Hon sitter tankfull vid sin slända / Sie sitzt gedankenvoll und spinnet
När oss Bergakungen hotar med sin jättearm / Droht Bergkönig euch, der Schlimme, mit der Zauberhand
Du ljuger! usle träl! Det var ju munkens visa, och ej min! / Das lügst du! Elender Knecht! Das sind des Mönches Weisen, meine nicht!
21. Duo (Ingeborg, Bergadrottningen) [Duet (Ingeborg, The Mountain Queen)]: Säg, drottning, hvar är sonen din? I kungasalen. / Sag', Königin, wo ist dein Sohn? Im Köhigssaale.
22. Duo-Final (Ingeborg, Bergakungen) [Duet-Finale (Ingeborg, The Mountain King)]: Se, hur blek hon är vorden! O Moder min / Welche Blässe sie bedecket! O Mutter, ach
Herre konung! Släpp mig ut! Jag vill hem till min moder gå / O, mein König! Lass mich fort! Hein zu der Mutter will ich hin
O nej! Så kan jag ej från dig gå! / O nein! So von dir ich scheide nicht!
Act V
23. Folkvisa (Ulf) [Folk song (Ulf)]: "Och jungfrun hon skulle sig till ottesången gå" / "Die Jungfrau sie sollte wol zur Weihnachtsmesse gehn
24. Scen (Ingeborg, Ulf) [Scene (Ingeborg, Ulf)]: Hu, jag fryser! Mig stormen genomisat / Hu, mich schauert! Der Sturm hat mich erstarret
Jungfru Ingeborg! Ja, det är jag! / Jungfrau Ingeborg! Ja, das bin ich!
25. Final (Ingeborg, Bergakungen, Ulf, Chör) [Finale (Ingeborg, The Mountain King, Ulf, Chorus]: Du nämnt mitt namn! Minns hvad jag bjöd, falska kvinna! / Du riefst den Namen! Denk' meines Schwars, falsches Wesen!
Gå bort! Gå bort! Gå bort! Jag fasar för din famn! / Hinweg! Hinweg! Hinweg! Vor deiner Lieb' mir graut!
Ej till saknads qval mig döm! Minns du kärlek, ljuf och öm? / O, verdamm' nicht diese Brust zu der Qual! Denk' süsser Lust!
I herrans namn vik bort från mig / In Gottes Namen heb' dich fort!
Försent! Ve mig! Ve dig! / Zu spät! Weh mir! Weh dir!
Nu är han borta! Borta? Låt oss tacka Gud! / Er ist verschwunden! Verschwunden? Danken wir den Herrn!
[Chorus] Nu är den signade juledag utöfver jorden kommen! / Der heil'ge Weihnachtsmorgen naht auf Erden allen Frommen!