Ivar Hallström (1826−1901)

Blommornas Undran. Idyll af O**** F****** componerad för Soli, Chör och Piano [The Flowers' Wonder. Idyll by O**** F******, composed for soli, choir, and piano]


I. Introduction
II. Allegro molto
III. Allegro moderato
IV. Andante

  • Year of composition: 1859 (according to the autograph register of the Musik- och teaterbiblioteket; note in pencil in the score print: '1850')
  • Work category: Several choirs and instruments
  • Text author: O**** F****** (Swedish Prince Oscar Fredrik [Carl XV's younger brother], later King Oscar II of Sweden)
  • Dedication: Most humbly dedicated by the Composer to His Majesty King Carl [Karl; Charles] XV of Sweden (1826-1872)
  • Duration: Approx. 15-20 min

Solo voices/choir

Solo voices:
Papilio (soprano)
Majrosen [The May-Rose (Cinnamon Rose)] (soprano/alto)
Pingstliljan [The Poet's Narcissus] (soprano/alto)
En käringtand [A Bird's-Foot Trefoil] (alto)
Rosalia (soprano)
Astolf (tenor)
tenor soloist (no character name)
bass soloist (no character name)

Trio af Penséer [Trio of Garden Pansies]: S.S.A.
Chör I, Chör af Förgätmigej [Choir I. Choir of Forget-Me-Nots]: S.S.A.A.
Chör II [Choir II]: S.S.A.A.
Chör af vårvindar [Choir of Spring Winds]: S.S.A.T.T.B
Chör [Choir]: S.S.A.A.T.B.

Examples of printed editions

Piano-vocal score published by the Musikaliska Konstföreningens förlag [the publishing house of the Swedish Art Music Society]. Printed at Abr. Hirsh

Location for score and part material

Piano-vocal score and photo copies of string parts (probably written by Hallström) can be found in the collections of the Musik- och teaterbiblioteket

  • Location autograph: Musik- och teaterbiblioteket
  • Possible call no. and autograph comment: Ivar Hallströms arkiv [the Ivar Hallström archive]

Description of work

I. Introduction (Choir, S.A.T.B.): Andantino G major 3/8
II. (Bass and tenor solos): Allegro molto C major 4/4 (C)
III. (Curious and wondering, The Flowers peek up of the fresh, dewy lawn; Soprano and alto soli, Choir of Flower Spirits, S.S.A.A., Trio of Garden Pansies, S.S.A.; Papilio flies away to the two lovers [Rosalia, Astolf], flaps around them and then returns to the flowers, resumes, then comes flying again in full swing): Allegro moderato F-dur (varying keys) 2/4 (varying time signatures)
IV. (The midday wind begins to blow; Soprano and alto soli, Choir of Spring Winds, S.S.A.T.T.B., Choir of Garden Pansies and Forget-Me-Nots, S.S.A.A.): Andante - Andantino C major – G major 6/8 - 3/8


I. Morgonsol bland träden lyser vänligt öfver dalens äng

II. Från gröna kulllens topp i språng, till ljufva kärleksmötet Astolf [sic] ilar / Det kommer ifrån motsatt trakt Rosalia, skön som vårens himmel / O kärleks makt, o kärleks makt, o kärleks makt, o kärleks makt!

III. Men se då! Vi främmande fått! Men se då! Vi främmande fått! Hvad har dem förmått att gästa, att gästa vår ensliga dal?

IV. På gyllene vingar Papilio, förtjust kring de älskande svingar