Ivar Hallström (1826−1901)

Turkisk ballett [sic] ur Den bedragne Paschan [Turkish ballet from Den bedragne Paschan (The deceived Pasha)]

  • Year of composition: Uncertain
  • Work category: Piano
  • Duration: Approx. 1-5 min
  • Location autograph: Musik- och teaterbiblioteket
  • Possible call no. and autograph comment: Ivar Hallströms arkiv. Pianoverk. Samlingsvolym [the Ivar Hallström archive. Piano works. Collection volume] including 'Första Walsen dansad hos D.D.R.R.H.H. Hertigen och Hertiginnan af Östergöthland den 28 januari 1859', '24. Stycken för Piano i form af Etuder' [sic], '11 Pianostycken', 'En räddad engel. Fantasi', ”Maestoso Ess-dur", ’Marsch (F-dur)’, ’Turkisk ballett ur ”Den besdragne Paschan”, ’Hin ondes snaror. Sagospel med tal och sång i prolog och tre akter af H. Christiern Christiernson', 'Menuet d'Exaudet du temps de Henri IV', 'Variationer öfver folkvisan "Sven i Rosengård". 1864', 'En dröm. Klaverutdrag', 'Kung Carl Eriksgata af Talis Qualis. Declamation med musik. 1877', and 'Gamla minnen! Ett litet albumblad'

Description of work

Allegro a la turca A major (varying key signatures) 2/4

Work comment

"Den bedragne Paschan" [The betrayed/scorned Pasha] was composed by Olof Åhlström (a.o.?) to a libretto by King Gustav III of Sweden (1789). It was performed at the centennial celebration at the Kungl. Stora Teatern (the Royal Theatre in Stockholm) at the end of September and beginning of October, 1882. It is possible that the ballet was added in view of this occasion.

See separate posts for the other pieces mentioned above