- Year of composition: Year of composition uncertain. Printed in 1886
- Work category: Voice and piano
- Text author: Not provided in the printed edition [likely John Paulsen (1851-1924)]
- Dedication: To Mrs. Fredrika Limnell (according to the printed edition) [probably referring to Swedish philanthropist, mecenate, feminist and salonist Fredrika Limnell (1816-1897)]
- Duration: Approx. 1-5 min
Examples of printed editions
Abr. Lundquist, Abr. L. 2336
Description of work
Allegretto D minor 6/8
Work comment
The book includes:
1. I Dalen
2. En Sommerkvæld
3. Ingerid Sletten
4. Holder du af mig
5. Min Sæterdal
(see the individual posts for each song)
1. Jeg reiste en deilig Sommerkvæld
igjennem en ensom Dal
2. En rankvokst Jente med röde Baand
om Flettens vægtige Guld
3. Hvad mon hun tænkte, den Jente rank
i Somrens drömmende Kvæld?