Ivar Hallström (1826−1901)

Fem norske Viser. 5. Min Sæterdal [Five Norwegian Songs. 5. (approx) The valley of my (small) Mountain dairy farm]

  • Year of composition: Year of composition uncertain. Printed in 1886
  • Work category: Voice and piano
  • Text author: "Ord af Reitan" ['Lyrics by Reitan'; according to the printed edition; referring to Anders Jørgensen Reitan (1826-1872)]
  • Dedication: To Mrs. Fredrika Limnell (according to the printed edition) [probably referring to Swedish philanthropist, mecenate, feminist and salonist Fredrika Limnell (1816-1897)]
  • Duration: Approx. 1-5 min

Examples of printed editions

Abr. Lundquist, Abr. L. 2336

Description of work

Friskt og hurtigt [Brisk and spry] F major 3/4

Work comment

The book includes:
1. I Dalen
2. En Sommerkvæld
3. Ingerid Sletten
4. Holder du af mig
5. Min Sæterdal
(see individual posts for each song)


1. Det er saa herligt en Sommerdag

2. Det er saa herligt, naar Lurens Klang

3. Det er saa herligt paa Fjeldets Ryg