Ivar Hallström (1826−1901)

Sinaia-Album. Minnen från Rumänien. Soli och Duetter [Sinaia Album. Memories from Romania. Soli and Duets]

  • Year of composition: Year of composition uncertain (printed in 1891)
  • Work category: Voice and piano
  • Text author: Carmen Sylva [pseudonym for Elisabeth of Wied (1843-1916), Sovereign Princess and as from 1881 Queen of Romania]
  • Dedication: see the individual posts for each song
  • Duration: Approx. 10-15 min

Solo voices/choir

See the individual posts for each song

Examples of printed editions

Abr. Lundquist, Abr. L. 1891

Description of work

See the individual posts for each song

Work comment

The collection includes:
[1.] I Gungan / In der Schaukel. Duettino
[2.] Hvarför / Für Wen
[3.] Ungdomssorg / Junge Schmerzen. Duettino
[4.] Sångaren / Der Sänger. Romans
(see the individual posts for each song) 


See the individual posts for each song