Ivar Hallström (1826−1901)
Kantat vid Frimurarelogens i Stockholm [sic] Invigningsfest den 20-21 Januari 1877 [Cantata at the festivities on 20-21st January, 1877, on the occasion of the inauguration of the new home of the Swedish Order of Freemasons in Stockholm at the Bååtska palatset (Bååt's Palace) at Blasieholmen, Stockholm]

Before the speech:
1. Chorus
2. Recitative, Aria and Chorus
3. Cuplés with Chorus
After the speech:
4. Soloist Quartet / Organ ad libitum
5. Alternating vocals
6. Final Chorus
- Year of composition: 12 December 1876 (according to the autograph)
- Work category: Male choir with solo voice(s) and instrument
- Text author: [Aug.] Hjelmstjerna [probably referring to August Hjelmstjerna (1825-1904)]
- First performed: Stockholm, on 20 or 21st January, 1877 [most likely at the Bååtska palatset (Bååt's Palace) at Blasieholmen]
- Duration: Approx. 5-10 min
- Detailed duration: Duration uncertain
Solo voices/choir
solo voices: tenor, bass
soloist trio: tenor I + II, bass
choir: T.T.(T.)B.B.(B.)
Location for score and part material
Handwritten piano reduction/piano-vocal score and parts material can be found in the collections of the Musik- och teaterbiblioteket
- Location autograph: Musik- och teaterbiblioteket
- Possible call no. and autograph comment: Sv. Saml. Kör m pfte (Körer m. piano el. orgel) [Swedish collection. Choir with pianoforte (Choruses with piano or organ)]. One of the piano reductions is in Hallström’s hand, with the dedicattion ’to Olle’ [probably referring to tenor Olof Strandberg (1816-1882)] (On the cover page, the word 'klaverutdrag' [piano reduction] has been struck through and changed to 'pianopartitur' [(probably) piano-vocal score])
Description of work
Before the speech:
1. Chorus: Maestoso F major 4/4 (C) [attacca]
2. Recitative, Aria and Chorus: Allegro - Andante - Allegro - Andante C major 4/4 (C) - 3/8 - 4/4 (C) [attacca]
3. Cuplés with Chorus: Andantino E minor 2/4
After the speech:
4. Soloist Quartet / Organ ad libitum / Andante A-flat major 4/4 (C)
5. Alternating vocals: Moderato - Maestoso C major - D-flat major - D major 4/4 (C)
6. Final Chorus: Maestoso G major - G minor - G major 4/4 (C)
Before the speech:
1. Chorus
Du Evige, som från det höga templet ofvan skyn
2. Recitative, Aria and Chorus
Tenor Solo: Men uti svaga menniskohänder [sic] dock detta tempel murades opp
Bass Solo: Visheten grunden lade, Erkänslan byggde det opp
Choir: Och portarna i evighet det store Mästarens lof förkunna!
3. Cuplés with Chorus
Tenor Solo: 1. Arbeta derföre [sic] och strid du ädle Murarbroder
2. Låt känslan af allt sannt [sic] och rätt som din kompass blott gälla
3. Tag kärleken på färden med i handlingar och tankar
Chorus: på tidens haf [sic], på tidens haf
After the speech:
4. Soloist Quartet
Välsignad den stund, då hörnstenen lades till templets grund!
5. Alternating vocals
Tenor Solo: När sol fördunklas och stormen hviner [sic], hvar är då skyddet mot onskans [sic] här
Bass Solo: Bär högt ditt hufvud, fast stormen hviner, och se mot himlen, som skydd beskär
6. Final Chorus
Vi tro på Dig, hvars kraft har manat från intete fram allt hvad som är!
Trio Solo: Vi tro på Dig, du Gudars ände, all tro på Dig!
Choir: Vi tro på Dig!