- Year of composition: Probably 1890 (see below)
- Work category: Voice and piano
- Text author: Lyrics from the Svenska Psalmboken [Swedish hymnal], by A. A. Afzelius (according to the autograph; 1814). The text was written in 1814 by Arvid August Afzelius (1785-1871) and was included as no. 337 in the Swedish hymnal of 1819
- Duration: Approx. 1-5 min
Solo voices/choir
- Location autograph: Musik- och teaterbiblioteket
- Possible call no. and autograph comment: Autographs for this song (set for voice and piano*/) can be found in the Ivar Hallström archive, Kompositioner bd 2 + Sånger bd 3 [Compositions, vol. 2 + Songs, vol. 3]
*/ Musik- och teaterbiblioteket’s list of the compositions included in the Ivar Hallström archive states that the autograph included in Kompositioner bd 2 [Comopositions, vol. 2] relates to the setting for solo, choir, and piano. That is, however, incorrect. (Cf. Bröllopshymn [Wedding hymn] 'Gud, välsigna du' for four-part choir and piano/organ, Sånger bd 1+3 [Songs, vols. 1+3])
Afzelius' hymn is included in e.g., Den svenska psalmboken [The Swedish hymnal] (1932)
Description of work
Adagio G-flat major 4/4 (C)
Work comment
According to the autograph in Sånger bd 3 [Songs, vol. 3] this song was composed on the occasion of the wedding between Equerry Sager and Miss Fock in the Klara Church (Stockholm), and performed by tenor Arvid Ödmann (1850-1914). The wedding most likely refers to the wedding in 1890 between Crown Equerry Edvard Sager (1853-1939) and Ida Fock (1864-1914). *
On the front endpaper of Sånger bd 3 [Songs, vol. 3] Ivar Hallström has written that it includes a selection of his songs, printed as well as unprinted (1853-1893), copied and suited for the voice of Olle Lemon by [approx.] 'Old uncle Ivar', along with a dedication in the form of a verse in Swedish:
Hvad jag i ungdomsåren tänkt -
Hvad mogna åldern mig har skänkt,
Det ger jag dig - - men någon gång,
Då mer på jord jag ej finns här,
Du tänker nog på vännen kär,
Och sjunger så hans lilla sång!"
[Olle Lemon probably refers to opera singer, Olof Lemon, 1866-1934]
Nu blott för verlden två,
för Gud ett lif, en anda,
de hulda makar gå,
att sina öden blanda