Ivar Hallström (1826−1901)
Afskedsång vid Anna Hallströms, född Kolmodin, graf den 17 Januari 1857 [Farewell song at the grave of Anna Hallström, née Kolmodin on 17 January, 1857]('Farväl! vi måste skiljas')

- Year of composition: 1857 (according to the autograph)
- Work category: Male choir and instruments
- Text author: Text by Franzén (according to the autograph) [referring to Frans Michael Franzén (1772-1847)]
- First performed: Performed [on 17 Janyrary, 1857] at Mariæ Magdalenæ [sic] Church [i.e., the Maria Magdalena Church in Stockholm (the Church of Saint Mary Magdalene)]. 1st Tenor: Actor Dahlgren. Music dealer Lundquist; 2nd Tenor: Factory owner Behrling. Wholesaler Mellström; 1st Bass: Accountant Thunman. Mechanic Abelin; 2nd Bass: Bookseller Ekström. Actor Willman; Organ: Mr. L. Norman. (according to the autograph in Kompositioner, bd 1 [Compositions vol. 1]) [Mr. L. Norman probably refers to Swedish composer Ludvig Norman (1831-1885)]
- Duration: Approx. 1-5 min
Solo voices/choir
- Location autograph: Musik- och teaterbiblioteket
- Possible call no. and autograph comment: Ivar Hallströms arkiv, Kompositioner bd 1 + 2 [the Ivar Hallström archive, Compositions vols. 1 + 2]
Description of work
Largo F minor 3/4
Work comment
Anna Hallström was married to the composer's brother, Paul Wilhelm Hallström and died 23 years old on 12 January 1857.
Farväl! vi måste skiljas,
så glädjen nått sin höjd.
Ack! jordens barn beviljas
blott ögonblick af fröjd