Ivar Hallström (1826−1901)
Fjäriln [The butterfly] / Schmetterling ("O, fjäril, mig säg!" / "O, Schmetterling")

- Year of composition: 1855 (according to an autograph in the collections of the Musik- och teaterbibliotekets samlingar)
- Work category: Mixed choir a cappella
- Text author: [August Heinrich] Hoffman v. Fallersleben (1798-1874). Translated into Swedish by [Swedish Prince] Oscar Fredrik [later King Oscar II of Sweden] (according to the autograph)
- Duration: Approx. 1-5 min
Solo voices/choir
Examples of printed editions
Svenska Skolkvartetten. Andra samlingen, 100 fyrstämmiga sånger [Svenska Skolkvartetten. Volume 2, 100 four-part songs] Abr. Lundquist, Musikförlag (Ed. no. is missing) [1946]
- Location autograph: Musik- och teaterbiblioteket
- Possible call no. and autograph comment: Ivar Hallströms arkiv, Kompositioner bd 2 [the Ivar Hallström archive, Compositions vol. 2]
Description of work
Allegretto E major 3/8
O, fjäril, mig säg!
Vi [sic] flyr du din väg?
O, Schmetterling sprich,
was fliehest du mich?
Media files
Vocal scores
- Fjäriln - Score (2 pages, pdf - 89 kB | Downloaded 1487 times)