Ivar Hallström (1826−1901)

Cantat [Kantat] afsjungen vid S:t Erics 100åriga (hundraåriga) fest den 30 Nov. 1856 ("Dödsklockan ljuder") [Cantata performed on 30 November, 1856, at the centennial celebration of the (former) Saint Eric lodge of the Swedish Order of Freemasons in Stockholm]


1. Chorus/Choir
2. Recitative (tenor)
3. Aria (basa) - Chorus/Choir
4. Aria (tenor)
5. Trio with Chorus/Choir
6. Chorus/Choir

  • Year of composition: Probably 1856
  • Work category: Male choir with solo voice(s) and instrument
  • Text author: 'Ord af Xxxxx' (Kompositioner, bd I [Compositions, vol I]) / Oscar Fredrik (Kompositioner, bd II [Compositions, vol II]); in both cases referring to Swedish Prince Oscar Fredrik, later King Oscar II och Sweden (and Norway)
  • First performed: Performers, according to Compositions, vol. I:
    Conductor: Mr. Cronhamn, auditor [referring to Johan Peter Cronhamn (1803-1875)]
    Accompanist: Me [sic; referring to Ivar Hallström]
    1. Tenor: Mr. Olof Strandberg (1816-1882), Mr. Dahlgren, actor [probably referring to Victor Dahlgren (1828-1892)], Dr. Höstman [unknown], Sentryckar [sic] Björkman [probably a misprint in Swedish, referring to lithographer Nils Johan Björkman (1839-1882)]
    2. Tenor: Notary Johansson, Notary Ulfson, Notary Ölander [probably referring to Per August Ölander (1824-1886)], Dr. Thegerström
    1. Bass: Mr. D'Dubont [?], Notary Fogelström, Bookbinder Thegerström, Auditor Stenberg, ... Ivarsson [?], Notary Serndell [Sundell?]
    2. Bass: Notary Hæggström, Mechanic Abelin, Merchant wholesaler Österlind, Procurator fiscal Björkman, Lieutenant Byström

    2, Recitative: Tenor / Mr. Strandberg /
    3. Aria: Mr. Hæggström [bass; unknown]
    4. Aria: / Mr. Strandberg /
    5. Trio with Choir: Messrs. Strandberg, Ölander and Hæggström
  • Duration: Approx. 5-10 min
  • Detailed duration: Duration uncertain



Solo voices/choir

Solo voices: tenor, bass
Trio: tenor I, tenor II, bass I
Choir: T.T.B.B.

  • Location autograph: Musik- och teaterbiblioteket
  • Possible call no. and autograph comment: Ivar Hallström's archive, Kompositioner I + II [Compositions, vols. I + II] as well as separately (bound together with the cantata "Klagen! Klagen!")

Description of work

1. Chorus (Compositions, vol. I) / Choir (separate + Compositions, vol. II): Largo - Maëstoso [sic] - Adagio C minor - C major 4/4 (C)
2. Recitative (tenor): (no tempo marking) D minor - D major 4/4 (C)
3. Aria (bass) - Chorus/Choir: Adagio - Moderato G major 4/4 (C)
4. Aria (tenor): Andante sostenuto D major 3/4
5. Trio with Chor/Chör: Adagio - Andante - Adagio G major 4/4 (C); attacca
6. Chor/Chör: Maëstoso - Adagio C major 4/4 (C)


1. Chorus/Choir: Dödsklockan ljuder, Dödsklockan ljuder, Skaparen bjuder åter ett sekel försvinna i dag
Mäktig du varit, tidsdrott [sic], som farit
Minnet, en sista, lysande gnista

2. Recitative: Så lyssnen då bröder i norr och i söder (tenor)

3. Aria - Chorus/Choir: Huru har du flullgjort dina pligter? (bass)
Men väg med sannings vigter [sic] (choir)

4. Aria: Snart löses då bindeln (tenor)

5. Trio with Chorus/Choir: Känn! Broder din lott! (Choir)
Väl kärleken lider, men segrar ändå (trio)
Känn, broder, din lott! (Choir)

6. Chorus/Choir: Ja, verkom [sic] då med nit vårt kall