Ivar Hallström (1826−1901)

Stolts Elisif. Skådespel i Fem Handlingar [Stolts Elisif. A drama in Fve Acts]


Act I: Introduction, No. 2. Song, No. 3. Marching tune
Act II: No. 4. Mass, No. 5. Organ prelude
Act III: [the orchstra: tacet]
Act IV: No 6. Song and dance, No. 7. Song (without accompaniment)
Act V: No. 8. Combat and Victory, No. 9. At the death of Einar

  • Year of composition: Not later than spring 1870
  • Work category: Incidental music
  • Text author: Frans Hedberg (1828-1908)
  • First performed: 7 April, 1870 at the Royal Swedish Opera (i.e., the Gustavian Opera House, demolished in 1891), Stockholm.
    Performers [according to the theatre poster of the opening night]:
    Albrekt af Meklenburg [Albert of Mecklenburg (c. 1338-1412, King of Sweden 1364-1389]: Hr [Mr.] Sundberg
    Bernhard Lange, German knight: Hr [Mr.] Elmlund
    Henrik Molteke, German knight: Hr [Mr.] Christiernsson
    Gerdt Snakenborg, German knight: Hr [Mr.] Hellander
    Boo Jonson Grip, Seneschal of the Realm: Hr [Mr.] Dahlqvist
    Erik Kettilson Puke, Swedish knight and member of the Council of the Realm [approx. Privy Council]: Hr [Mr.] Swartz
    Karl Ulfson Sparre, Swedish knight and member of the Council of the Realm [approx. Privy Council]: Hr [Mr.] Hanson
    Algot Månson Sture, Swedish knight and member of the Council of the Realm [approx. Privy Council]: Hr [Mr.] Lundbergh
    Nils, Bishop of Linköping: Hr [Mr.] Broman
    Iwar Lykke, Danish general: Hr [Mr.] Dörum
    Einar Bårdson, Son of a Norwegian jarl: Hr [Mr.] Torsslow [most likely referring to Swedish tenor and actor Harald Torsslow]
    Kurt, Bernhard’s squire: Hr [Mr.] Zachrisson
    Botvid, klostertjenare: Hr [Mr.] Ohlsson
    Thord, A Dane: Hr [Mr.] Sandstedt
    A Swedish knight: Hr [Mr.] Lagerqvist
    First foot soldier: Hr [Mr.] Hallberg
    Second foot soldier: Hr [Mr.] Paul
    Mistress Anna, Erik Kettilson Puke’s housekeeper: M:lle Ringvall
    Elisif, nun: Mrs. Hwasser
    Mistress Karin, abbess of Ris[e]berga [Monastery]: M:lle Bock
    Barbra, nun: Mrs. Wennbom
    Tyri, nun: Mrs. Swartz
    Åsa, Thord’s daughter: M:lle C. Jansson
  • Duration: Approx. 120-180 min
  • Detailed duration: 7.00 p.m. - 10.30 p.m. [according to the theatre poster, presumably including interval/-s]


2*.2.2.2 / / timp, perc, org / str
perc: bass dr, cymb

Solo voices/choir

Solo voices:
Einar Bårdson (tenor)
[spoken roles: Biskopen (The Bishop), 'härolder' ('heralds'), a.o.]

Choir: S.S.A.A., S.A.T.B.


Examples of printed editions

Hedberg, Frans: Stolts Elisif. Skådespel i fem handlingar (A. Bonnier, Stockholm [1870]) [relating to the play]

Location for score and part material

Handwritten parts material (including one for the ballet's répétiteur) can be found in the collection of the Musik- och teaterbiblioteket

  • Location autograph: Musik- och teaterbiblioteket
  • Possible call no. and autograph comment: Kungliga Teatern Operetter och talpjeser [The Royal Opera, Operettas and plays], S 49

Description of work

The plot takes place in 1389 at Ladhära in Östergötland [a province in the south of Sweden], at Ris[e]berga Abbey in Nerike [now spelled Närke, another province], and in Axevalla House and Falköping in Westergötland [now spelled Västergötland, another province] (according to the theatre’s poster)

Act I
Introduction: Andante - Allegro moderato - Tempo di minuetto C minor - A-flat major - C minor - E-flat major 4/4 (C) - 3/4
3 fanfares in the orchestra
[spoken roles]
No. 2. Visa [Song]: Maëstoso C minor 4/4 (C)
No. 3. Gånglåt [Marching tune]: Allegretto A minor 2/4 (1 horn on the stage)

Act II
No. 4. Messa [Mass]: Andante religioso D minor 3/4
No. 5. Organ prelude during the nuns’ procession to church: Andante F major - D minor 4/4 (C)
Messa Da Capo
After Thord’s death there is a piece for organ: Andante D major 3/4

[the orchestra: tacet]
[spoken roles]

Act IV
No. 6. Song and dance: Allegro - Slow G major 4/4 (C)
(Fanfare in the orchestra. Horn on the stage)
Maids, Courtiers [spoken roles]
No 7. Song (without accompaniment): Slow F major 4/4 (C)

Act V
No. 8. Strid och Seger [Combat and Victory] (between the sections): Allegro - Maëstoso - Allegro A minor - C major 4/4 (C)
[Biskopen (The Bishop)]
No. 9. At the death of Einar: Adagio D major 4/4 (C)
[Einar, Biskopen (The Bishop)]


Act I:
Spoken line: Hell Sverges [sic] drotts! Hell riddaren herr Boo! ['herald'] (fanfare no. 1)
Spoken line: Bård Gylles ädle son! Hell och välkommen! ['herald'] (fanfare no. 2)
Spoken line: För nordens mö och hustru! hell, hell, hell! ['herald'] (fanfare no. 3)

No. 2. Song:
1. När vikingen for vida på gyllne drakens däck
till söderns land att strida för äran så käck

2. När väringen drog neder till fjerran [sic] Miklagård,
han glömde ej den kära i hemlandets vård

3. Och ej den glömde väl bort i nordens land,
fast gyllne draken dömdes att multna vid strand (Einar)


Act II:
No. 4. Mass
Chorus: Du som på korset dog
för våra synder alla (Choir of nuns)


Act IV:
No. 6. Song and dance
Chorus: [first verse] Vi träda nu den dansen i höganlofts sal;
Så gladeligen månde vi sjunga
[second verse]: I dag ännu går dansen i höganlofts sal
och gladeligen månde vi sjunga (Choir of Maids and Courtiers)

Spoken line during the fanfare: Hej pipare, trumpeter till den skålen.
Så att det smattrar ned till Danmarks land! [spoken role]

No 7. Song (without accompaniment)
1. Och dufvan [sic] hon stängdes i fängelsebur,
I midsommartider!

2. Så flögo de sedan till nordanskog,
I midsommartider!

3. Var modig derför [sic] du dufva min,
I midsommartider! (Einar)