Ivar Hallström (1826−1901)

"O ve! hvilken röst!". Duett ur operetten Hvita frun på Drottningholm [Duet from the operetta 'Hvita frun på Drottningholm' (The White Lady at Drottningholm Palace)] [piano-vocal score]

  • Year of composition: 1846 or 1847 (both years can be found)
  • Work category: Voices and piano
  • Text author: Herman Sätherberg (1812-1897)
  • First performed: According to Hallström’s own annotation in the autograph this operetta was performed at the Royal Palace in Stockholm in January, 1848, and also peformed at the Royal Theatre [the Gustavian Opera House] the same year, whereas the archive of the Royal Theatre/Opera states that it premiered there on 9 April, 1847.

    Most likely referring to the performance at the Royal Palace, Hallström also writes that the role as Grönberg was performed by Löjtn. [Lieutenant] L. Löwegren [probably referring to Ludvig Löwegren (1817-1894)], and Gråberg by Royal Secretary Silfverstolpe [most likely referring to Carl Silfverstolpe (1840-1899)].
    There is also an annotation (most likely relating to the performance at the Royal Opera), stating that the role as Grönberg was sung by Mr. Söderberg [most likely referring to Johan Söderberg (1811-1853)] and Gråberg by Mr. [Carl Johan] Uddman (1821-1876), albeit this is not quite corresponding to the information in the archive of the Royal Opera or the poster from the 1847 premiere.
  • Duration: Approx. 1-5 min

Solo voices/choir

Grönberg (tenor)
Gråberg (bass)

1 tenor (Grönberg)
1 bass (Gråberg)

  • Location autograph: Musik- och teaterbiblioteket
  • Possible call no. and autograph comment: Ivar Hallströms arkiv, Kompositioner bd 1 + 3 [the Ivar Hallström archive, Compositions vols. 1 + 3]

Description of work

Allegro G minor 4/4 (C)

Work comment

Ivar Hallström wrote only this duet, whereas Prince Gustaf of Sweden (and Norway; 1827-1852) composed the rest of the music. (See separate post for the entire work.)

In the score, the lyrics differ somewhat from this version of the duet as a separate song.


O ve! hvilken röst! Jag fasar! (Gråberg)
Hvilken blick! hvilken min! (Grönberg)
Ja, skynda, kom! O, skynda, kom! Ja, låt oss skynda, kom! (Grönberg, Gråberg)