Adolf Fredrik Lindblad (1801−1878)
Sånger och Visor vid Pianoforte. 4:de delen. 84-102 [Songs and Ditties at the Pianoforte. 4th Part. 84-102]

84. Balders bål
85. Glädjen
86. Höstqvällen
87. Hon vill ej sjunga mer
88. Silvio till Laura
89. Förr och nu
90. Den gamle
91. Bedragen väntan
92. Den tviflande
93. I höet
94. Misstanken
95. Ånger
96. Helsning till den annalkande ålderdomen
97. Strykningsvisa
98. Den flitiga handen
99. Barfota
100. Den bortgångne
101. Systern
102. Afslag
- Year of composition: Nos 84-87 1840-1850, nos 88-101 1850-1860, nos 102 1860-1870; see the separate registration for each song included in the collection.
- Work category: Voice and piano
- Text author: See the separate registration for each song included in the collection.
- Dedication: See the separate registration for each song included in the collection.
- Duration: Approx. 50-60 min
Examples of printed editions
Abr. Hirsch, ed. no. 1599
(Hans Ahlborg Musik)
Description of work
See the separate registration for each song included in the collection.
See the separate registration for each song included in the collection.
Media files
Edition Swedish Musical Heritage
Sheet music
Sånger och visor IV - Voice and piano (66 pages, pdf - 3.1 MB | Downloaded 2341 times)