Johan Helmich Roman (1694-1758)

Poesien af [Lyrics by] Jacob Frese. "Mit hjerta rörs af frögd" / Poesin av Jacob Frese. "Mitt hjärta rörs av fröjd"

HRV 897

  • Year of composition: 1716? About 1727/1728? (according to Holm)
  • Work category: Voice(s) with basso continuo
  • Text author: Jacob Frese ("Vårbetraktelser, Åhr 1716 den 20 maj" [20 May, 1716] in "Andelige dikter")
  • Duration: Approx. 1-5 min


cont. (no figures)

Solo voices/choir


Location for score and part material

Handwritten copies of the version in D major can be found at the Musik- och teaterbiblioteket (Ro:77a, Ro:78b, Q/Sv.-R Zellbell, F. d.y. [the younger]), the Kalmar Museum (Svebilii visbok [Svebilii song book; 1756]), the Lund University Libraries (Wenster M:62), in the archive of the Nordiska Museet [Nordic Museum, Stockholm] (106) and at the Uppsala University Library (hs. 76:2:3); a handwritten copy of the version in C major can be found at theUppsala University Library (hs. 76:2:2)

  • Location autograph: Musik- och teaterbiblioteket
  • Possible call no. and autograph comment: Ro:84, Ro:85, Ro:78b (all in D major)


Holm, Anna Lena: Tematisk förteckning över J.H. Romans vokalverk. Musikaliska akademiens bibliotek (1994)

Description of work

Lento D major 3/4



UUB:Vmhs 76:2:3

Work comment

Authenticated work (according to Holm)

The lyrics of verse 2 also appear in "I foglar, vilde djur" [HRV 866], verse 3 in "Min Andakt skynda dig" [HRV 893] and verse 4 in "Gud alla härars Gud" [HRV 829]


1. v. [sic] Mit hjerta rörs af frögd [sic],
min [sic] blod af glädje gjäser [sic]

v 2. [sic] I Foglar, vilde djur,
och alt hvad elljest [sic] andas 

v. 3 [sic] Min Andakt skynda dig;
Men trottna [sic] ej på vägen 

v. 4. [sic] Gud, alla Härars Gud!
när Din Basun skall ljuda