Johan Helmich Roman (1694-1758)
Ps. 119. 88. "Vederkveck mig genom tina nåd" / Psalm 119:88 "Vederkvick mig genom dina nåd" [Psalm no. 106, verse 88, according to the King James Version ("Quicken me after thy lovingkindness") for bass, violin and continuo]
HRV 940

- Year of composition: after 1728 (according to Holm)
- Work category: Voice and other instruments
- Text author: Book of Psalms 119:88-96 (Old Testament)
- Duration: Approx. 1-5 min
vn, cont. (no figures)
Solo voices/choir
Location for score and part material
Handwritten copies can be found at the Musik- och teaterbiblioteket (Ro:78a, Ro:81)
- Location autograph: Musik- och teaterbiblioteket
- Possible call no. and autograph comment: Ro:79
Holm, Anna Lena: Tematisk förteckning över J.H. Romans vokalverk. Musikaliska akademiens bibliotek (1994)
Description of work
Staccato e Poco Allegro B-flat major 12/8
Work comment
Authenticated work (according to Holm)
Vederkveck [sic] mig genom tina nåd [sic]
at jag må hålla tins muns vitnesbyrd [sic]