Johan Helmich Roman (1694-1758)

Two orchestral movements in F major [sketches; may belong to the "Printz Gustafs Musique" ("Prince Gustaf's Music")]

BeRI 10 1/2


1-2. (no tempo marking)

  • Year of composition: According to Ingmar Bengtsson the "Printz Gustafs Musique" ("Prince Gustaf's music") was composed at the end of the 1730s or in the early 1740s
  • Work category: Orchestral works in several movements
  • Duration: Approx. 5-10 min


hn I+II, vn I+II, basso [most probably also vla and basso]

  • Location autograph: Musik- och teaterbiblioteket
  • Possible call no. and autograph comment: Ro:97(44)


Bengtsson, Ingmar: J. H. Roman och hans instrumentalmusik (1955)

Description of work

1. (no tempo marking) F major alla breve
2. (no tempo marking) F major 3/4



Work comment

On the cover page, Roman's son (H 14) has written "Prints Gustafs Musique" [Prince Gustaf's music], which could indicate that these movements belong to BeRI 10. See separate post for that work.