Björn Schildknecht (1905−1946)

Ingrediens X [Ingredient X]
Ett spel från staden, djungeln och havet [A play from the city, the djungle and the sea]

  • Year of composition: 1929
  • Work category: Incidental music
  • Text author: Lawrence du Garde Peach (unknown translator)
  • First performed: 13 October, 1929, Sveriges Radio
  • Duration: Approx. 15-20 min

Solo voices/choir

T/B, unison song

  • Location autograph: Sveriges Radios Musikbibliotek
  • Possible call no. and autograph comment: T 337

Description of work

1. Besvärjelsesång [Spell-casting song] (tenor, bass)
2. Roddarsång [Rowing song] (unison song)
3. Begravningssång [Funeral song] (unison song)

Work comment

Probably composed for Eugene O'Neills play The Emperor Jones [Swedish title: 'Kejsar Jones'] 


The lyrics are in the language of a fictional indigenous people

1. Besvärjelsesång [Spell-casting song]: Eyi yoko yankila (tenor, bass)

2. Roddarsång [Rowing song]: Ee tutako eki loeoe (unison song)

3. Begravningssång [Funeral song]: Eyayaba e tatakaka (unison song)