Alice Tegnér (1864−1943)
Sång vid Vita Bandets minnesfest i Sigtuna (för damkör, piano eller orgel och recitation) [Song on the occasion of the commemoration of the Woman's Christian Temperance Union in Sigtuna (for female choir, piano or organ and recitation)]

- Year of composition: 1936
- Work category: Female choir and instruments
- Text author: Maria Sandström (1870-1948)
- First performed: 9 August 1936 in Mariakyrkan [St. Mary's Church], Sigtuna
- Duration: Approx. 5-10 min
Solo voices/choir
Solo voice: 1 reciter
Female choir, S.A.A.
Examples of printed editions
Vita bandets förlag [the publishing house of the Woman's Christian Temperance Union], Stockholm 1937. Location mark at the Musik- och teaterbiblioteket: 2007/2080 (online catalog) and 3 ex in Alice Tegnér's collection, L. Reimers’s donation. Print and photo prints (early photo copies). Scanned by the Musik- och teaterbiblioteket
- Location autograph: Musik- och teaterbiblioteket
- Possible call no. and autograph comment: Alice Tegnér's collection, L. Reimers’s donation. Score. Scanned by the Musik- och teaterbiblioteket
Description of work
1. Nu samlas vi [Now we gather]: Female choir. Andante espressivo D-flat major 4/4 (C)
2. Se långt bortom bergen [See far beyond the mountains]: Female choir. Con moto, ljust [bright] A major 4/4 (C)
Nu samlas vi i helgad tempellund ...